Parents and Friends Association

The P&F offers parents and friends an opportunity to be involved in College life. We meet at the College on the third Tuesday of each month at 5.30 pm. Each parent can contribute through the P&F in areas suited to their interests, skills and availability.  In addition to roles as committee members elected annually, willing helpers are always most welcome at working bees, social events and other College and P&F activities.
The P&F aims to achieve a high level of collaborative interaction between home and school and to work closely with the Principal to achieve the goals of the College.
Informal 'get-togethers' (morning/afternoon teas) are held where kids are also welcome. This is an opportunity to catch up with parents who can't attend on Tuesday night, as we want to actively encourage contributions from as many parents as possible.
Income is derived from a P&F levy which has been deemed to be the most fair and equitable method of collecting funds. Those funds are used to provide additional resources and facilities for the College.
We regularly need willing helpers for working bees and other College events, so even if you can't attend the meetings please refer to the College newsletter for P&F news and upcoming events.
The P&F is involved in various events throughout the year including, but not limited to: Family Fun Day. Mother's and Father's Day Stalls, Rock on Stage, Cow Horse Competition Catering, Celebration of the Arts BBQ and Establishment of Parent Groups.​